Elsevier 期刊: Applied Energy 影响因子: 8.514 论文题目:Comprehensive analysis of
galvanostatic charge method for fuel cell degradation
diagnosis 作者: Hu Zunyan 了解更多 >
出版商: Oxford
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Virus-associated Natural Killer/T-cell Lymphoproliferative Disorder:
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Elsevier 期刊: Bioresource Technology 影响因子: 6.329 论文题目:Effects of digestate
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Nature Publishing Group 期刊: Scientific Reports 影响因子: 4.644 论文题目:Monoclonal and
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BV gene usage in CD4+ T cells from pigs immunised with C-strain CSFV
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Elsevier 期刊: Information Sciences 影响因子: 5.252 论文题目:An interval type-2 fuzzy
TOPSIS model for large
scale group decision making problems with social network
information 作者: Xinwang Liu 了解更多 >
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engine 期刊: IEICE Electronics Express ; Vol. 14 (2017) No. 4
pp. 20161218 影响因子: 5.900 论文题目:Characteristic Analysis
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出版商: Elsevier 期刊: Energy and Buildings 影响因子: 5.079 论文题目:Dynamic modeling and
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Elsevier 期刊: Composite Structures 影响因子: 4.729 论文题目:Bi-material
microstructural design of chiral
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Elsevier 期刊: Ore Geology Reviews 影响因子: 4.255 论文题目:Application and effects
of singularity analysis
in evaluating the denudation degree of Carlin-type gold deposits in
southwest Guizhou, China 作者: Zeng Guoping 了解更多 >