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五种语言文字一案搞定 藏语语言学专著


书名:《藏语的示证系统》(Evidential Systems of Tibetan Languages)













由13名作家执笔、横跨三个专业领域的学术书籍 精通各领域的翻译团队打造出令人惊艳的译作

书名:《森林共同管理:实现森林资源永续利用》(Collaborative Governance of Forests Towards Sustainable Forest Resource Utilization)














书名 作者/出版社
Translation of book on Collaborative Governance of Forests: Towards Sustainable Forest Resource Utilization Tokyo University Press
Fukushima: Lives on the Line - A compendium of reports from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Fukushima Prefecture and Fukushima medical college
Guinness World Records 2012 Kadokawa Corporation
The Essential CFO. A Corporate Finance playbook. Effissimo Capital Management Pte Ltd
Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils (AKA “The Blue Book”) Carolyn L. Mein
This World is a Virtual Reality: Analysis, Theory, and Proof -
Translation of a book on Evidential Systems in Tibetan languages SOAS, University of London
Translation of “The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia” for third largest comic book publisher in the world Dark Horse Comics
FPI - Easing Access to IndiaBombay Stock Exchange
Pesticides in Paradise: Hawaii’s Health and Environment at RiskHAWAI‘I - Center for Food Safety (CFS)
Fukushima: Lives on the Line - A compendium of reports from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and TsunamiFukushima Prefecture and Fukushima medical college
White Paper on India INXBombay Stock Exchange
New Physics FrameworkDan S Correnti
Effortless English: Learn To Speak English Like A NativeEffortless English
Articles of a book on Evidential Systems in Tibetan languagesSOAS, University of London
Translation of book on Collaborative Governance of Forests: Towards Sustainable Forest Resource UtilizationTokyo University Press
English academic book on Business Administration and Economics Graduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University
Books regarding monitoring of circulation dynamics Asahikawa Medical college
Translated books on teaching material for a Master's course National Museum of Ethnology
Translation of book on business management history Graduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University
Translation of book on reproductive biology for students Tokyo University
Translation of book on Japanese Perspective on Regional Development Factors Graduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University
Translation of syllabus of the International Relations Department of the University Asian University
Translation of book on Modern economics which criticizes modern economics Waseda University
Translation of book on Government policies and sociocultural, economic, skills development issues of foreign domestic workers in the care supply system, with special focus on three countries in East Asia--Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Kyoto University
Translation of book on India’s economic growth Tokyo University
Translation of book on Thermophiles in Environmental Biotechnology Kyushu University
Book translation on radical critique of modern economics Individual researcher from National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Book translation on behaviour of the rats in laboratory Individual researcher from Osaka University
Translation of a book on understanding the electric energy structure of semiconductors and organic dyes Individual researcher from Osaka University
Translation of book on explosions, gaseous detonations, their nature, effects and control, classifications of explosions, and detonations Individual professor from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Book translation on The Historical and Religious Background of Meat Consumption in Japan SEICHO-NO-IE International Headquarters
A Therapist Guide for Family-Based Treatment for Young Children with OCD Oxford University
International political developments after the end of the Cold War and its impacts on the response of the USA to the (2014) turmoil in Syria Individual researcher
Translation of encyclopedia for a company producing recreational content Dark Horse Comics
Translation of a book on nursing experiences in end-of-life care and development of a nursing scale Japan Society for the Promotion Science
Translation of a book on understanding architecture from anthropological and ethnographical perspectives Waseda University Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Translation of a book dealing with optimization theory and involving aspects of computational mathematics Graduate School of Information Science Nagoya University
Translation of a book on a foundation and its visionary work toward integrating people across nations & establishing a civil community transcending national borders by means of education One Asia Foundation
Translation of handbook for a Music school Kunitachi College of Music
Translation of Software protocol guide Net One Systems Co., Ltd.
Translation of company manuals on Engineering AINEX Co., Ltd
Translation of institute syllabus papers Kawaijuku Educational Institution
Translation of a book on the safety, efficacy & prospects of ozone therapy Japanese Society of Oxidative Medicine
Translation of a book dealing with pregnancy complications & ensuring safe delivery NPO OPPIC Organization for the Advancement of Pregnancy , Perinatal and Infant Care
Translation of book on overview and legal issues regarding real estate Center for Spatial Information Science, University of Tokyo
Translation of book on shift of judicial principle. From Formalism to Arbitrium Osaka University
Translation of book on Interfacial physical chemistry in high-temperature melt Jönköping University, Sweden
Translation of book on Marginal Organ Repair: From Vision to Everyday Clinical Practice Hokkaido University
Translation of book on “A tale of the i-ching - How the changes began” First Press, Inc
Translation of book on Popular Sovereignty, Social Movements, and Money ― The Political Process in 1960 and 2014 for Security ― Keio University
Translation of book on “Korea: Outline of the schemes” Nagoya University
Translation of boon on Agent-Based Simulation Model for Shop-Around Behavior Nagoya Institute of Technology
Translation of book on Theory of Values and Fairness - An Introduction to Post-Modern Economics Mr. Takayuki Noshi
Translation of a poetry book to Sanskrit Tehzeeb Khurana (Daughter-in-law of Indian animator Bhim Sain Khurana)
Translation of book on Acupuncture Sham Sen
Translation of a training book for physicians including obstetrics and gynecology NPO Corporation
English academic book on Business Administration and EconomicsGraduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University
Books regarding monitoring of circulation dynamicsAsahikawa Medical college
Books on teaching material for a Master's courseNational Museum of Ethnology
Book on business management historyGraduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University
Book on reproductive biology for studentsTokyo University
Book on Japanese Perspective on Regional Development FactorsGraduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University
Syllabus of the International Relations Department of the UniversityAsian University
Paper on Modern economics which criticizes modern economicsWaseda University
Paper on Government policies and sociocultural, economic, skills development issues of foreign domestic workers in the care supply system, with special focus on three countries in East Asia--Taiwan, Hong Kong, and SingaporeKyoto University
Paper on India’s economic growthTokyo University
Book on Thermophiles in Environmental BiotechnologyKyushu University
Possibility of sharing and commitment: Suggestion by forest use and managementTokyo University Press
Book translation on radical critique of modern economicsIndividual researcher from National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Book translation on behavior of the rats in laboratoryIndividual researcher from Osaka University
Book on understanding the electric energy structure of semiconductors and organic dyesIndividual researcher from Osaka University
Book on explosions, gaseous detonations, their nature, effects and control, classifications of explosions, and detonationsIndividual professor from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Book translation on The Historical and Religious Background of Meat Consumption in JapanSEICHO-NO-IE International Headquarters
A Therapist Guide for Family- Based Treatment for Young Children with OCDOxford University
International political developments after the end of the Cold War and its impacts on the response of the USA to the (2014) turmoil in SyriaIndividual researcher
Handbook for a Music schoolKunitachi College of Music
Translation of Software protocol guideNet One Systems Co., Ltd.
Company manuals on EngineeringAINEX Co., Ltd
Institute syllabus papersKawaijuku Educational Institution
Radiographic Imaging and ExposureElsevier
Rockwood and Matsen's The ShoulderElsevier
Netter's Essential Clinical Procedures, ed 1Elsevier
Maternal Child Nursing, ed 5Elsevier
Integrative MedicineElsevier
Nelson Pediatric Symptom- Based Diagnosis, ed 1Elsevier
The Harriet Lane Handbook, ed 21Elsevier
Surgical Technology: Principles and PracticeElsevier
Harty’s Endodontics in Clinical PracticeElsevier
Netter's Sports Medicine, ed 2Elsevier
Study Guide for Maternal-Child Nursing, 5edElsevier
Cifu: Braddom’s Rehabilitation Care: A Clinical HandbookElsevier
Netter's Obstetrics and GynecologyElsevier
Study of Group Dynamics Approach in Business ManagementKwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Monitoring of Circulation DynamicsAsahikawa Medical College, Japan
Business Administration and EconomicsRitsumeikan University, Japan
Teaching Material for a Master's CourseNational Museum of Ethnology, Japan
Business Management HistoryRitsumeikan University, Japan
Reproductive Biology for StudentsTokyo University, Japan
Thermophiles in Environmental BiotechnologyKyushu University, Japan
Theories of BiologyNational Museum of Ethnology, Japan
Japanese Perspective on Regional Development FactorsRitsumeikan University, Japan
Modern EconomicsWaseda University, Japan
Care of Foreign Domestic Workers (Focus on Taiwan, Hong Kong & Singapore)Kyoto University, Japan
India’s Economic GrowthTokyo University, Japan
Software protocol guideNet One Systems Co., Ltd.
Modern economics which criticizes modern economics.Waseda University
Government policies and sociocultural, economic, skills development issues of foreign domestic workers in the care supply system, with special focus on three countries in East Asia--Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.Kyoto University
Radical critique of modern economicsIndividual researcher from National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Behaviour of the rats in laboratoryIndividual researcher from Osaka University
Understanding the electric energy structure of semiconductors and organic dyesIndividual researcher from Osaka University
Explosions, gaseous detonations, their nature, effects and control, classifications of explosions, and detonationsIndividual professor from National Institute of Advanced
The Historical and Religious Background of Meat Consumption in JapanSEICHO-NO-IE International Headquarters
A Therapist Guide for Family-Based Treatment for Young Children with OCDOxford University
Translation of handbook for a Music schoolKunitachi College of Music
Translation of company manuals on EngineeringAINEX Co., Ltd
Translation of institute syllabus papersKawaijuku Educational Institution
Translation of a book on the safety, efficacy & prospects of ozone therapy Japanese Society of Oxidative Medicine
Translation of a book dealing with pregnancy complications & ensuring safe deliveryNPO OPPIC Organization for the Advancement of Pregnancy, Perinatal and Infant Care
Translated books on teaching material for a Master's courseNational Museum of Ethnology
Translation of book on business management historyGraduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University
Translation of book on reproductive biology for studentsTokyo University
Translation of book on Japanese Perspective on Regional Development FactorsGraduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University
Translation of syllabus of the International Relations Department of the UniversityAsian University
Translation of paper on Modern economics which criticizes modern economicsWaseda University
Translation of paper on Government policies and sociocultural, economic, skills development issues of foreign domestic workers in the care supply system, with special focus on three countries in East Asia--Taiwan, Hong Kong, and SingaporeKyoto University
Translation of paper on India’s economic growthTokyo University
Translation of book on Thermophiles in Environmental BiotechnologyKyushu University
Book translation on behaviour of the rats in laboratoryIndividual researcher from Osaka University
Translation of a book on understanding the electric energy structure of semiconductors and organic dyesIndividual researcher from Osaka University
Translation of book on explosions, gaseous detonations, their nature, effects and control, classifications of explosions, and detonationsIndividual professor from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Translation of encyclopedia for a company producing recreational content Dark Horse Comics
Translation of a book on nursing experiences in end-of-life care and development of a nursing scaleJapan Society for the Promotion Science
Translation of a book on understanding architecture from anthropological and ethnographical perspectivesWaseda University Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Translation of a book dealing with optimization theory and involving aspects of computational mathematicsGraduate School of Information Science Nagoya University
Translation of a book on a foundation and its visionary work toward integrating people across nations & establishing a civil community transcending national borders by means of educationOne Asia Foundation
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