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发端于十八世纪末的德国浪漫文学运动是“人类抗拒启蒙理性对个性的羁约,争取精神自由的重要尝试”,而“女性或女性精神对于德国浪漫主义的重要性,可能大于对德国文学史上任何一个其他运动。” 运动伊始,其理论家施雷格尔兄弟、诺瓦利斯及施莱尔马赫等人就对女性展开了富有浪漫色彩的颂扬,尊奉她们是诗学理想的化身,“认为女性具有‘创生精神的爱',揭示出人类历史和宗教神学具有女性或母性象征的一面。”
Aureili is the female protagonist in Life of a Useless Person, a novella written by Eischendoff. In this paper, an analysis was made of the image that the useless person has of Aureili: to him, she is a
religious figure that symbolises folk songs. Her eternal roots are planted in his heart, and she can help him discover the true meaning of life.
Keywords: Aureili, religious figure, folk song
Romanticism in German literature originated at the end of the eighteenth century. It was “an important attempt by human beings to resist the constraints that enlightenment reason had imposed on individuality, and to struggle for spiritual freedom.” In addition, “the importance of females or the feminine spirit to German romanticism is probably greater than that for any other movements in the history of German literature.” When the movement first began, its theorists—which included the Schreger brothers, Novalis, and Sleiermach—celebrated and glorified females in a romantic manner, and worshipped them as incarnations of the poetic ideal. They also “believed that females possess a ‘love that creates spirituality,’ which allows them to reveal the feminine aspects or maternal symbols of human history and religious theology.”
Eischendoff was one of the important writers during the late period of German Romanticism. His creations were deeply influenced by the romantic theorists. He also believed that females occupy a predominant position among the Germanic peoples. To him, “their glory shines wonderfully on the knights of the Middle Ages, and this form of power recognises it as having the same supreme position as religion.” In his works, females are the religious figures in the hearts of the poets. No matter where the poets wander to or are at, the females’ eternal roots are planted in their hearts, and the females are constantly by their sides. They will remain so until the poets find the eternal truths of life.
误译 直接翻译和研究不足 误译和研究不足 直接翻译和研究不足 误译 语言和措辞 美式和英式拼写 误译 语言和措辞 误译 语言和措辞 误译和研究不足 清晰度和精确度 误译和研究不足 误译和研究不足 美式和英式拼写 语言和措辞 误译 语言和措辞
误译 直接翻译和研究不足 误译和研究不足 直接翻译和研究不足 语言和措辞 美式和英式拼写 误译 语言和措辞 误译 语言和措辞 母语编辑:Uncited quote (未注明引述出处) 误译和研究不足 清晰度和精确度 误译和研究不足 误译和研究不足 美式和英式拼写 语言和措辞 误译 语言和措辞
Aurelia is the female protagonist in Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts (Memoirs of a Good-for-Nothing), a novella written by Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff. In this paper, an analysis was conducted of the
image that the “good-for-nothing” (the poet) has of Aurelia: to him, she is a holy icon who symbolizes folk songs. She has been eternally rooted in his heart and can help him discover the true meaning of life.
Keywords: Aurelia, holy icon, folk song
Romanticism in German literature originated at the end of the eighteenth century. It was “an important attempt by human beings to resist the constraints that enlightenment had imposed on individuality and to struggle for spiritual freedom.” In addition, “the importance of females or the feminine spirit is probably greater for German Romanticism than for any other movement in the history of German literature.” When the movement first began, its theorists—which included the von Schlegel brothers (August Wilhelm and Karl Wilhelm Friedrich), Novalis (pseudonym of Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg), and Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher—celebrated and glorified females in a romantic manner and worshipped them as incarnations of the poetic ideal. They also “believed that females possess a ‘love that creates spirituality,’ which allows them to reveal the feminine aspects or maternal symbols of human history and religious theology.”
Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff was one of the important writers during the late period of German Romanticism. His creations were deeply influenced by Romantic theorists. He also believed that females occupy a predominant position among the Germanic peoples. To him, “their glory shines wonderfully on the knights of the Middle Ages, and this form of power is recognized as having the same supreme position as religion.” In his works, females are the holy icons in the hearts of poets. Regardless of where the poets wander to or are at, females are eternally rooted in their hearts, are constantly by their sides, and will remain there until the poets find the eternal truths of life.